



2012 BA (Hons) Fine Art graduation show. A short Film

2012 Over+Out, Lincoln. Two sound performances and a Video Installation as part of Crocodiles With a Second Skin Thrash
2010 MK Gallery, Milton Keynes. A performance with Ross Oliver and James Hubble as the band ANGRY GANG.

When working with Video I use a variety of cameras. I have used and own digital DV cameras, VHS and VHS C cameras as well as a Pixel Vision 2000. I am also familiar with Video mixers and the general workings of TV electronics.

When working with Sound I have in the past played Saxophone, synthesizers, a customized record player as well as circuit bent keyboards and Children’s toys.
Recently I have been using video cassette tapes within my performances.

Personal: http://nathanmakesfilms.blogspot.co.uk
Music: http://angrygang.co.uk
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cigaberetta

Email: Cotton-mouth-killer@hotmail.co.uk
Telephone: 07749900551